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Jamie Hartman MA, LPC


Welcome to The Nine Therapy Studio - my name is Jamie Hartman and I'm happy you found me!  You may be checking out other therapists and practices and wonder if there is a real difference amongst them.  We think there is. 

I am a licensed mental health therapist with 7 years of experience and at The Nine we use a unique and proprietary 9-dimensional psychological assessment that provides a holistic understanding of our client's mental health and overall wellness. This tool is important, as total health and wellness are directly connected to our mental state of mind.

Health is a person's dynamic state of being that leads to longevity and resilience, while wellness is about having the awareness to make choices that affect your quality of life.  All of the different elements of our lives and the complexity of each issue can make it difficult to figure out the root cause of mental health symptoms.  This is where we can help.

Jamie Hartman Mental Health Therapist
A cozy therapy room with 2 comfortable armchairs

For instance, you might come to therapy because of an emotional symptom: you're depressed.  But that depression could be coming from a financial, occupational, and relational stressor.  Maybe you've just been laid off and are having trouble paying bills.  Your spouse is understandably upset, and you are questioning your self-worth.  Only by deeply understanding how each of these issues relate to each other can we accurately diagnose what's going on and determine the best path forward.  We do more than treat symptoms; we look at your whole life to determine the best treatment and solution. 

Using this model allows us to streamline treatment so that you start feeling better faster.

A nonagon

9 Dimensions of Mental Health

An icon of a head with different emoji faces inside

Emotional Wellness

Coping effectively with life, including managing stress, staying engaged at work/school, getting enough sleep, and being able to ask for help when needed.

Two hands

Spiritual Wellness

Understanding the values, beliefs, and ethics that guide you can help expand your sense of purpose and meaning in life.

An icon of a man running on the treadmill

Physical Wellness

Challenging yourself about the importance of physical activity, healthy nutrition/foods, getting enough sleep, managing stress, and getting the proper medical/dental care.

An icon showing a group of three people

Social Wellness

Developing a sense of connection, belonging, and fun through a well-developed support system when you are stressed out, need relief, or just want a break.

An icon of a checklist and a bag of money

Financial Wellness

Taking steps to live within your financial means and living in, and planning for future financial health through budget planning and learning to be an educated consumer.

A construction hat with a briefcase

Occupational Wellness

Balancing work and leisure time in an effort to promote health, personal satisfaction, and financial rewards; engaging in work that is motivating and interesting.

A head with engines

Intellectual Wellness

Recognizing that throughout the lifespan, we have to engage our creative and cognitive abilities to expand knowledge and skills; staying curious and learning new things!

An icon of a house

Environmental Wellness

Occupying pleasant, stimulating environments that support your wellbeing; taking care

of your personal surroundings and the overall environment in your life!

Two hands touching each other with a heart on top

Relational Wellness

Knowing yourself and others in a genuine way; relationships built on trust, support, and respect bring families closer and enhance bonding.

Schedule Here

Just the thought of starting therapy can be overwhelming,

so let's get to know each other first.

Your initial 30-minute virtual consultation is FREE.

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